Come Back Home 搜救

Come Back Home 搜救, 2022

9.0 2022.10.27 Release
China Mandarin(Sub: English,Chinese) Drama, Disaster
In the cold winter, a group of Shenzhen tourist families take a trip to the northeast Changbai Mountain. It was originally intended to be a happy and harmonious holiday, but due to the negligence of his father, an 8-year-old boy is unfortunately lost. The parents seek assistance from the relevant local authorities, and the search and rescue operation begins immediately. The golden rescue time of 24 hours passes, followed by the routine safety limit of 48 hours, but the child is still nowhere to be found. Even if there is little hope, the father and the search and rescue teams will not give up… 寒冬季節性,阿德(甄子丹飾)帶著丈夫璇(韓雪飾)和一對子女自駕游到長白山旅行,途中卻因阿德一星期惱怒走失弟弟樂樂,妻子向當地派出所求救,救難行動馬上展開。 天氣狀況險惡,攝氏零下卅度山林、冰湖救難過程險象叢生,黃金救援星期24小時過去了,常規的安全極限48小時也過去了,小孩仍未找到,卻碰上悄然來襲的雪崩!救難隊大量損兵折將,即使期望渺茫,阿德極力跪救一起之後救難。 70小時又過去了,到底父愛能否擊敗大自然凶險?樂樂能否奇蹟救起?