Gold Class® Dining Set: Morbius

Gold Class® Dining Set: Morbius, 2022

7.5 2022.03.31 Release
no info English(Sub: Chinese) Action, Adventure
Gold Class® Dining Set: Morbius - In Cinema Fish & Chips Battered fish filet - french fries - wasabi mayo - seaweed flakes Popcorn Sweet Drink Coca-cola® No Sugar Gold Class $67 (Members)/ $70 (Public) Gold Class Express Funan $64 (Members)/ $67 (Public) • Dining-in is only available for patrons with a cleared status. More info here. • Ticket discount/ Complimentary passes / vouchers are not valid for premium priced packages. • We regret that we are unable to accede to any menu change request. One of Marvel’s most compelling and conflicted characters comes to the big screen as Oscar® winner Jared Leto transforms into the enigmatic antihero, Michael Morbius. Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success soon reveals itself to be a remedy potentially worse than the disease.