Panggonan Wingit

Panggonan Wingit, 2024

6.0 2024.02.15 Release
--- Indonesian Horror 1 Hour 50 Minutes
Raina and her sister, Fey, move from Jakarta to Semarang to manage the Ambar Mangun Hotel, a gift they inherited from their father. The hotel was managed by their grandparents all this while, and it is the girls` first time visiting it. One night, Raina hears crying on the third floor. Following the noise, she opens the door to a forbidden, unnumbered room called "Panggonan Wingit". Exactly as the legends foretold, Raina is met with the figure of a woman with white skin and white hair who curses her with a painful death in three days` time. As the clock ticks closer to the promised date, Raina and her family, along with her ex-lover, a curious journalist, investigate this room and the legend surrounding it.