SCFF: Abang Adik 富都青年 +^

SCFF: Abang Adik 富都青年 +^, 2024

6.0 2024.01.27 Release
no info Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay(Sub: English, Chinese) Drama
Abang and Adi are native Malaysian but live without identity cards. They are stranded at Pudu, a mottled and dilapidated community. Abang is born mute and seeks a stable life. Since Adi refuses to give in to destiny, he sells fake documents to make money faster to leave the place. However, a fatal accident happens, throwing Abang and Adi into a dire fate once again. 没有公民身份证的阿邦和阿迪,在混杂外劳聚居的富都老社区里苟且偷生。哥哥阿邦天生哑 巴,任劳任怨,只求一份安定生活。弟弟阿迪则不甘向命运低头,一心想着赚钱带哥哥离开这 个厌恶的地方。社工佳恩协助两人追查阿迪的原生父母和出生证明资料,但她的好意却导致 一场意外发生,让阿邦和阿迪再次陷入水深火热的命运之中. • Not eligible for vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes (including Advertiser Pass). • Not valid with any credit card offers. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card. • Not valid with GV Staff Pass or Exhibitor VIP Pass. • Not valid for redemption with Annual Pass & GV Good eDeals