Based on true events, this film reveals a little-known truth about residential care homes for the disabled that hides beneath the headlines. A news organization’s investigative journalism unit receives a tip about the abuse of residents in Rainbow Bridge Care Home. To expose the home’s wrongdoings, reporter Kay goes undercover to expose the inhumanity inside, searching for the cruel truth under broad daylight. 2016年,一单残疾院舍黑幕报道轰动全香港,引来社会各界愤怒。《白日之下》故事改编自真 实件,揭露隐藏在新闻背后、鲜为人知的残疾院舍真相。新闻社接获一宗有关残疾院舍“彩桥 之家”虐待院友的线报,侦查小组为揭露残疾院舍监管问题,记者晓琪潜入院舍,揭发內里的 非人道生活,寻找日光之下的残酷真相。新闻工作者一直在黑暗间游走,寻找光明之处,希望 将不公义的事一一曝光,有时换来的只是徒劳无功的无奈,白日之下,黑暗依然张牙舞爪。 • Not eligible for vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes (including Advertiser Pass). • Not valid with any credit card offers. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card. • Not valid with GV Staff Pass or Exhibitor VIP Pass. • Not valid for redemption with Annual Pass & GV Good eDeals