Schoolgirls (EUFF)

Schoolgirls (EUFF), 2022

8.5 2022.10.13 Release
Spain Spanish Drama 1 Hour 40 Minutes
A coming-of-age drama that follows Celia, an 11-year-old girl who studies at a convent school that is taught by nuns. Living with her young widowed mother, Celia is a good and responsible girl and a considerate daughter. The arrival of new classmate Brisca opens a small window through which Celia discovers a whole new world. Together with her new friend and some older girls, Celia enters a new stage of her life: adolescence, a period of firsts. She feels the need to experiment, try new things, and stop being a little girl, even if that entails confronting her mother and everything that once meant comfort and security. And along the way, discovers that life consists of many truths and some lies.