Table For Six 饭戏攻心

Table For Six 饭戏攻心, 2022

7.0 2022.09.08 Release
no info Mandarin(Sub: English,Chinese) Comedy, Drama
"Men of the Dragon" helmer Sunny Chan directs this ensemble comedy that revolves around a family gathering gone sour. To big brother Dai (Dayo Wong), nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings (Louis Cheung Kai Chung and Peter Chan Charm Man). But when his old flame (Stephy Tang) shows up as his brother’s girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it’s up to his part-time girlfriend (Lim Min-chen) to simmer down the situation. 一个家,最紧要齐人开餐。深信此道的大佬 (黄子华 饰) 厨艺麻麻,唯有长期用心灵鸡汤式金句「喂大」两个细佬,但异父异母的二佬 (张继聪 饰) 及同父异母的三弟(陈湛文 饰)其实觉得大佬有点老土。幸好大佬请来三弟的厨神级女友 (王菀之 饰) 为三兄弟包伙食,一家人终于有啖好食,每晚8时的饭局亦令兄弟更添和睦。但随着二佬女友 (邓丽欣 饰) 的加入,饭桌气氛即时变得燶味十足,皆因二佬女友竟是大佬最念念不忘的前度﹔为免以后餐餐背脊骨落,大佬唯有临时揾个哎吔女友 (林明祯 饰) 一齐撑台脚。从此,每晚6人同台,味蕾满足,闲话家常,却舌尖有伏,总之嗒落就知味道…《逆流大叔》导演陈咏燊笑声主理,今个新春最引人饭聚率先约定你!