The God Of Ramen (JFF Online)

The God Of Ramen (JFF Online), 2022

8.0 2022.02.14 Release
Japan Japanese Documentary 1 Hour 30 Minutes

There used to be a ramen shop called "Taishoken" in Ikebukuro, near central Tokyo. Every day, there were long lines of people waiting to get in, and in four hours they would serve up ramen to 200 people. The number of regulars who became captivated by the taste of Taishoken were countless and even other ramen shop owners came to learn at the eatery. This documentary depicts the life of Kazuo Yamagishi, the founder of Taishoken who had an immense influence on the Japanese ramen industry. Yamagishi`s passion for making ramen went uninterrupted for 40 years. He readily accepted many apprentices and generously taught them his techniques while also delighting his customers. The source of Yamagishi`s passion was his wife, who passed away at an early age, and the film tells the story of his love for her as well as his love for delicious ramen.